Gallery: July 4 — Rotschuo

On the way home, I got off the ferry at Brunnen to find an Internet café and update my travelogue, while my parents continued back to Gersau. By then it was raining heavily. I caught another ferry and unfortunately the closest place it stopped to Gersau was Rotschuo, really just a large hotel a ways to the west of Gersau, so I had to return by walking back along the road. I found some interesting things, though, and in the meantime the rain let up again.

Such as a peacock and an enormous beetle. I think these were done by one of the owl sculptors.

And a hawk.

And a lion and a dragon-lizard.

Minimal Carport: Gersau.

An interestingly shaped marina building.


The owld old Gersau town hall, in a Baroqued-up version of the Central Swiss vernacular style.

And back to the Tübli. My room included that whole balcony on the second floor. Not too shabby.